Unable to run Azure pipeline “A task is missing The pipeline references a task called ‘Cache’

Đăng ngày 05/02/2022

If this is enabled, the triggered build will use the same source branch as the build that includes the task. This means if the build is triggered for the source branch master, the triggered build will as well. Please make sure that if this option is enabled, the triggered build can actually be triggered for that branch. Especially if you trigger builds across projects you might want to disable this step. If this option is enabled, the triggered build will use the same source version as the build that includes the task.

Complex typed outputs such as tuple and object will be excluded from the translation. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Have you been phished or identified a security vulnerability? Please don’t report it here – let us know by sending an email to We accept issue reports both here (file a GitHub issue) and in Developer Community. This repo contains the tasks that are provided out-of-the-box with Azure Pipelines and Team Foundation Server.

Compatible with Linux Build Agents

Specify here the name or the id of the agent queue that you want to use. In order to use the TriggeredBuildIds variable in different jobs/stages, you must make use of the Azure Pipelines multi-job/multi-stage mechanism. In order to get rid of the following warning and still be able to run the tasks after March 2022, you will need to update to the latest available Major version of the tasks. “##[warning]This task uses Node 6 execution handler, which will be deprecated soon.”

azure pipeline tasks

The second supported condition is the Dependency Condition. This condition will check the latest builds of the provided build definitions and will only trigger the new build if those last builds were successful. The example scenario for this could be that you don’t want to trigger your Release build if your CI build is failing. Again you can specify a comma separated list of build definitions that you would like to have included in the check.


Define here if you wish to delay the builds that are triggered by the specified amount of seconds. This might be useful if you have some issues when triggering builds at nearly the same time. There is a dedicated Task https://www.globalcloudteam.com/azure-devops-services-what-is-it-and-when-does-your-business-need/ that can be used in order to wait for triggered Builds to finish. When using this Task instead of the above mentioned option, you can do other Tasks in between and just start waiting at the latest possible moment.

azure pipeline tasks

That way, the exit status of the script would be 0 (success), even if the commit fails (because there is nothing to commit). Json values are detected only when the value is enclosed by curly braces. More details can be found on the following GitHub issue. If you want to trigger a build from a different Team Project but within the same VSTS/ADO/TFS instance you can still use OAuth Authentication. If you find any Bugs, you have feature- or change requests or questions in general about the Task, feel free to raise an issue over at issues. However there might be some cases where some things now look or behave a bit different (for example the logging).

Updating from Version 2.* to 3.*

If you enable this option, the build task will wait for the completion of all the triggered builds. After triggering all the builds, the task periodically check the builds that were triggered and just continue when all of them are finished. You https://www.globalcloudteam.com/ can specify the interval of when the builds are checked, just specify the value in seconds. Furthermore you can define what shall happen if one of the triggered builds was not successful, you can either fail the Task or you can continue anyway.

azure pipeline tasks

This is intended to enable templates to execute az cli commands from a local-exec provisioner. The extension includes a feature to render terraform plans within the pipeline run summary. To use this feature the publishPlanResults input must be provided when running terraform plan via the TerraformCLI task. The input should be set to the name that should be assigned to the plan (however, do not use the name of a subfolder in the working directory). Depending on your build definition a certain set of demands will be required from the agent to be built.

Important Configuration Options when Triggered Build is not located on the VSTS/ADO/TFS Instance or Team Project

This means if the build was triggered for a specific changeset or label, the same source version will used in the triggered build. This option is disabled by default, which means the triggered build will use the latest sources. Conditions based on builds of this Instance however would be possible. Additionally the option Queue Build for User that triggered original build does not work as this user might not exist on the target VSTS/ADO/TFS.

  • TERRAFORM_PLAN_HAS_CHANGES will be set to true if plan detected changes.
  • After adding the task to your current build, you can select under Basic Configuration the Name of the Build Definition you would like to trigger.
  • The TerraformCLI task supports running the Terraform output command.
  • This build task enables the chaining of builds within TFS.
  • Tasks can also be deployed with an Azure DevOps extension.

TERRAFORM_PLAN_HAS_CHANGES will be set to true if plan detected changes. This can be used in conjunction with Custom Condition expression under Control Options tab of the task to skip terraform apply if no changes were detected. As with the build to trigger, you specify the builds by name. If you want to include the build you are currently modifying you can do this via the provided checkbox. This condition could be used in order to implement a “two-build” continuous integration scenario. Now in case you already have another CI Build in the queue, you don’t want to trigger this build because it will anyway be triggered by that build waiting in the queue.

Wait for Completion of Triggered Builds

If any subsequent task needs the info of which builds were triggered by this Task, this information is available as an environment variable to the subsequent Tasks. If more than one build will be triggered, the values will be written comma separated. If there is already a value in the variable from a previous Task, it not overwritten but keep the original value and append his resulting build id’s.

azure pipeline tasks

Check Deprecation.md file for the list of task which are no longer supported. I have a task inside an Azure Pipeline Job which is failing. I want the Job to still be a Success if the other Tasks were executed properly. If you’re not using the same source version, you can also select a custom source version. Put the exact version of the source version to be used in the respective textbox. With a git repository, this would mean that the commit hash would be expected.

Supported Backends

The TerraformCLI task supports running the Terraform output command. When this is run, pipeline variables will be created from each output variable emitted from the terraform output command. Sensitive variables will be set as secret pipeline variables and their values will not be emitted to the pipeline logs.

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